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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Export and Import BAR files in OBIEE 12C

What is BAR?

BI Application Archive (BAR) files are zipped-up copies of the RPD, Catalog and Security model metadata from a Service Instance.
When deploying your BI application from one server to another you can now use these BAR files to transfer your metadata rather than
transferring the RPD, catalog and security model separately.

It’s also a simple method of taking point in time backups of your application.

Steps to export and import BAR files in OBIEE 12C

Step 1:

Go to C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\bin
Run script

Step 2:

To view   List of serviceinstaces use the wslt command listBIServiceInstances(domainhome)
Run listBIServiceInstances('C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi')
wls:/offline> listBIServiceInstances('C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi')

Exporting BAR files


4 main Parameters for exporting and importing bar files

1.DOMAIN_HOME                                          (<obiee_home>/user_projects/domains/bi)
2.Serive Instance                                             key the instance key of the BI service you are intercating with
3.Working directory                                        Where export command will store files temporarily while  exexutingth eprocess
4.Export directory                                            Is the directory where BAR files will be stored

Step 3:

Create working directory and export directory
My working directory is: /C:/workDir
My export directory is: /C:/exportDir
Service instance key: ssi
Run below command:
exportServiceInstance(domainhome,service_instance key, working dir path, export dir path)

Step 4:

Verify exportDir

Importing of BAR files

While importing BAR files we can choose whether to import all three components (RPD,Catalog,Security model) or just selected elements.

importServiceInstance  command Parameters:

  • ·         DomainHome
  • ·         Service instance key
  • ·         BAR file to import
  • ·         IMPORT THE rpd
  • ·         Import the webcat
  • ·         import the security model
  • ·         Include credentials (This is passowrd used to encrypt the  database connectioncredentials in the RPD.

 First 3 parameerts are mandatory
Command :

importServiceInstance(DomainHome,Service Instance Key,BAR file to import)

Run below command:


Above command  import the RPD, catalog and security model, but not the user runtime info. The connection credentials would not be imported(if they are even in the file)


Above command will import RPD,Catalog an dsecurity model and run time user information also. This is the best command while deploying from development to Production environment.


Above command will import RPD,catalog,but it will not import security model or run time user information.


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