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Scheduler tables in OBIEE / OAS
Oracle BI Scheduler is a server that manages and schedules jobs. When a user creates and schedules an agent, Oracle BI Presentation Services gathers information about the agent such as its priority, the intended recipients, and the devices to which content should be delivered. Presentation Services packages this information and other characteristics into a job, then informs Oracle BI Scheduler when to execute the job.
Agents can run in parallel on different threads. The number of agents that can run in parallel depends on the size of the Scheduler thread pool (a configurable setting) and the number of threads used up by each agent. Queueing might occur if too many agents are triggered at the same time.
Oracle BI Scheduler uses a single back-end database to store pertinent information about a job, its instances, and its parameters.
The details about the scheduler tables are mentioned below :
S_NQ_JOB - This table is used by Scheduler to store information about scheduled jobs. That means when you create a new agent from OBIEE, an entry corresponding to it get created in S_NQ_JOB table. This table is stored in the BI_PLATFORM schema, therefore to access it; you should have access to BI_PLATFORM schema.
Some of the columns in the table are mentioned below
Column Name | Description |
JOB_ID | It is unique identifier for each agent |
NAME | Name of Agent |
NEXT_RUN_TIME_TS | Next scheduled runtime of agent |
LAST_RUN_TIME_TS | Last runtime of the agent |
S_NQ_INSTANCE – This table stores information about scheduled job instances. For a job in the S_NQ_JOB table, there will be multiple entries in the S_NQ_INSTANCE table based on the agent run.
Column Name | Description |
JOB_ID | Identifier for the job populated from S_NQ_JOB |
INSTANCE_ID | Unique identifier for each instance |
STATUS | Shows the status of the agent 0 - Completed 1 - Running 2 - Failed 3 - Cancelled 5 - Timed out |
BEGIN_TS | Start of the instance |
END_TS | End of instance |
EXIT_CODE | Number of e-mails sent by an Agent job, after the job is completed |
Relation with S_NQ_JOB
S_NQ_ERR_MSG - This table stores error messages for Scheduler job instances that do not complete successfully.
Column Name | Description |
JOB_ID | Same as in S_NQ_JOB & S_NQ_INSTANCE |
ERROR_MSG_TXT | Displays the error message in agent failure. This message is same as the message in Agent.log file. |
Relation with S_NQ_INSTANCE
S_NQ_JOB_PARAM - This table holds information about Scheduler job parameters for scheduled jobs.
Relation with S_NQ_JOB
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