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12:38 PM
The Oracle DB client install of the OBIEE 11g Administration Tool is installed along with a set of OCI libraries. It can support basic Oracle Database interaction, without the need for a full Oracle Database Client installation.
1) First Check the Log File Check the log in the below location and ensure if it says Missing OCI library
C:\Program Files\Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client\oraclebi\orainst\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication\Administrator_NQSAdminTool.log
It can have below error:
[2013-12-16T15:10:12.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: 8b4] [nQSError: 93001] Can not load library, oracore11.dll, due to, The specified module could not be found. [[“Can not load library, oracore11.dll“. This library is required to select /display all Schemas. From the full Oracle Client Installation we can get this library.
The ..specified module could not be found.
2. Installing the Full Oracle Client
Download Oracle Client from oracle website. Unzip the installer and run setup.exe. Select the custom installation and choose just the “Oracle Call Interface (OCI)” option while installing the setup.
Use this Link to Download Oracle Client : Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (Version :
After restarting the OBIEE AdminTool the Import Metadata function should work now.
In Oracle 10g Client machines there's a workaround for the above Issue just follow below steps
2)Copy ORACORE10.dll in the same location
3)Rename it to ORACORE11.dll
4)Make sure %ORACLE_HOME%\BIN is added to your PATH variable.
5)Restart Admin Tool.
(Fingers cross hope this helps, if not highly recommended to re install Oracle Client)
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