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10:44 AM
Architectural Overview
QlikView's architecture consists of majorly below components
- front end to visualize the processed data
- back end to provide the security
- publication mechanism for QlikView user documents
Front End :
It is a browser-based access point for viewing the QlikView documents, the QlikView Server used by the Business users to access the already created BI reports through browser. QlikView documents are stored in format .qvw, which can also be stored in the windows OS as a standalone document.
Back End
In backend QlikView consists of QlikView desktop and QlikView publisher.
->QlikView desktop is a wizard-driven Windows environment, which has the features to load and transform data from its source. Its drag and drop feature is used to create the GUI layout of the reports that becomes visible in the frontend. The file types, which are created by QlikView desktop are stored with an extension of .qvw. These are the files that are passed on to the QlikView server in the front end, which serves the users with these files. Also .qvw files can be modified to store the data-inly files, which are known as .qvd files. They are binary files, which contain only the data and not the GUI components.
->QlikView publisher is used as distribution service to distribute the .qvw documents among various QlikView servers and users. It handles the authorization and access privileges. It also does the direct loading of data from data sources by using the connection strings defined in the .qvw files.
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