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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Neural Style Transfer Using Pytorch

The process of transferring an image's aesthetic style to another is known as neural style transfer.  The algorithm takes three images: an input image, a content picture, and a style picture, and modifies the input to match the content of the content image and the artistic style of the style image.

The Basic Principle behind Neural Style Transfer

The basic idea behind neural style transfer is to establish two distance functions: one to describe how different the content of two images is, Lcontent, and another to characterize the difference in style between the two images, Lstyle.Then, given three images: the desired style image, the desired content picture, and the input picture (initialized with the content image), we strive to alter the input image so that its content distant from the content picture and its style distance from the style image is as small as possible.m takes three images: an input image, a content picture, and a style picture, and modifies the input to match the content of the content image and the artistic style of the style image.

Content Image

Style Image

Importing Packages and Selecting a Device

Below is a list of the packages needed to implement the neural transfer

  • torch, torch.nn, numpy (indispensables packages for neural networks with PyTorch)
  • torch.optim (efficient gradient descents)
  • PIL, PIL.Image, matplotlib.pyplot (load and display images)
  • torchvision.transforms (transform PIL images into tensors)
  • torchvision.models (train or load pre-trained models)
  • copy (to deep copy the models; system package)

General steps to perform style transfer:

  1. Visualize data
  2. Basic Preprocessing/preparing our data
  3. Set up loss functions
  4. Create model
  5. Optimize for loss function


You can find the complete code for this article in the given URL below.


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