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2:46 PM
OBIEE – Dimension Hierarchies
What is a Hierarchy: Hierarchy is a series of many-to-one relationships and can be of different levels. For Example Region hierarchy consists of below:
Region → Country → State → City → Street
Hierarchies can follow two approaches
1) Top-down Approach
Example : Region → Country → State → City → Street
2) Bottom-up Approach
Example : Street→ City → State → Country →Region
Logical Dimensions or Dimensional hierarchies are created in BMM layer, which are two types
- Level-based hierarchies.
- Parent-Child hierarchies.
What is a level-based hierarchies ?
Members can be of different types and members of the same type come only at single level.
Dimensions with Level-based Hierarchies
Level-based dimension hierarchies can also contain parent-child relationships. The common sequence to create level-based hierarchies is to start with grand total level and then working down to lower levels.
Level-based hierarchies allows you to perform:
- Level-based calculated measures.
- Aggregate navigation.
- Drill down to child level in dashboards.
Types of Level-based Hierarchies:
- Ragged hierarchy: It is a hierarchy that has an uneven number of levels.
- Skip Level Hierarchies: In skip-level hierarchies, few members don’t have values at higher level.
For Example − For one city, you have state → country → Region. However for other city, you have only state and it doesn’t fall under any country or region.
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